lauantai 6. lokakuuta 2012

Bushcraft Finland meetup, Vihti, July 2012

This summer´s Bushcraft Finland meet was held on Vihti, southern Finland on a very beautiful spot near two small lakes. It was 2 days  happening starting on saturday and ending sunday. I only reachead place on saturday evening cause I was on summer holiday with my family and came back home quite late and needed to drive to Helsinki to pickup TimoA who was new face on our forum and wanted to attend that meet which was open to everybody. We decided to take bicycles into my car and leave car on start of one logging road where´s few kilometers to meeting point. So we did and reached place around 21:00 on evening and it was very easy to follow camp fire smoke and loud laughter to find other guys cooking lunch around campfire. :)

We didn´t had any "official program" there it was just mainly chatting around campfire and getting to know each other cause there was many newbies there. Sure we tried there many things and people learned new skills & tricks.

Akiri made this bucksaw out of fresh birch and after some trial & erros got it working quite nicely. So next one will be even better.  

Time to cook some pasta so first I boiled some lakewater that it´s safe for foodmaking.
Guys showed off their small EDC survival kits so here´s mine on right side. That small knife I have planned to add into my kit, but need to change for bigger container first. On left there´s Rautasarvi´s very small "bare essentials" kit.
My kit opened. Quite typical set of binding materials, fishkit, means for fire, cutting tools, repair items etc.
Soon there was already dark and guys gathered around campfire to tell stories before sleep.
I slept on my Vihe-shelter which is quite unique mix of lean to and tent.

Next morning I tried make to fire from the birch that have cut last night. And it worked well when there was enough thin chips and I have dried some of them by rounding ball from them in my hands. Thanks from this picture goes to TimoA.

After that was time to make breakfast, oatmeal with fresh strawberries. 

Very simple food but everything tastes good in nature.

Sunday afternoon was time to pack and take one group photo. It was very good time with good friends as always in BCFIN-meetings. And before leaving our tradition "Goodiebag" which idea is that everybody bring something small items into the bag and at the end lottery will tell who wins it´s contents

Rautasarvi was lucky bastard this time :D

...and here the GoodieBag content.

Thank you guys who made this weekend very memorable by being there!
Waiting next meet which I can attend...

Busy times

As you might noticed I haven´t been very active with my blog recently. It´s just cause I have been so busy with my daily life and have had some stuggles so I didn´t had time nor energy to concentrate writing. I still have many stories to tell from last summer and this autumn so you will see some blasts from the past when I´m trying to catch up. So stay tuned!